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Certified Lifestyle Management & Women's Health Coaching 

Feeling stuck? At a crossroads in your career or personal life or needing to cope with women's health issues? Maybe you have a young person needing support in a particular area. Even the strongest among us can feel lost, unsure, ambivalent or unhappy at times.

As a Certified Life Coach, I empower others who want to upgrade their quality of life by identifying and eliminating any physical or emotional barriers. Together we will co-create to develop goals, change perspectives and mindsets. Giving you the confidence to conquer whatever lies ahead. 

I truly believe that although no one comes into this life with a user manual, we are all born with everything we need to become the best version of ourselves. The work begins the minute YOU start believing that too!

Grey Limbo
What Is Life Coaching?

A common misconception is that a life coach is a therapist. In a counselling relationship, a therapist will focus on and even dig into your past to see how it affects your present. Therapy's main goal is to get to the "why" as it relates to human behavior. Life coaching on the other hand, is centered around the now. Accept the beautiful gift that is the present, learn how to adjust  the things that currently don't serve you and  set yourself up for an amazing future!

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About me

I have personally learned that life is better lived through the windshield and not the rear view mirror. Results are achieved by focusing on opportunities that lie ahead, instead of those that may have been missed along the way. I sometimes need a reminder to enjoy the journey as well as the destination and I want to help you realize these truths for yourself as well.

Lifestyle Management

General life coaching

for individuals.

Areas of focus include:

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Teams & Small Group Work

The signature program "Play to Win"  was created  for sports teams and any other group with common goals. Designed to take your team to the next level, "Play to Win"  is high energy, interactive and includes exercises that will:

  • Enhance Team Culture 

  • Increase Morale

  • Encourage Team Bonding

  • Develop & Accomplish Goals


Individual life coaching for school-age youth focusing on:

  • Goal Setting

  • Increasing Self-Esteem & Confidence

  • Personal Life Challenges 

  • School Issues

  • COVID Coping Skills

  • Life Skills/Time Management

  • Behavior Modification 

Workshops, Seminars & Executive Training

Offered virtually and in-person, for larger groups, like HR departments, church groups, mom groups, etc.  Choose one of our workshop series or seminars. where we focus on different topics as well issues tailored to your audience:

  • Identify Cultural & Social Competency Limitations

  • Develop Corporate Culture Shifting/Change Management

  • Increase Morale 

  • Diversity & Inclusion Issues

  • LGBT Health Groups

Start Moving Today!

Sign up for a COMPLIMENTARY  20-minute consultation. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain!


Women's Health

Lack Of Confidence

COVID Fatigue

Youth Issues

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